GET $3,000 OFF
CTeen is proud to partner with RootOne, Mosaic United and the Meromim foundation to help Jewish teens connect with Israel by lowering the financial barrier to participation in immersive summer trips to Israel and investing in the educational quality of the experience.
Eligibility for the $3,000 Voucher:
Voucher recipients are required to participate in 8-9 hours of pre-trip early education engagement. These courses will take place online and via zoom. Applicants can choose from a variety of topics and sessions that CTeen offers in partnership with RootOne.
Voucher recipients are required to participate in post-trip engagement and evaluation.
Teens are only eligible to receive a voucher once.
RootOne Voucher:
Vouchers are limited to residents of USA & Canada.
Vouchers are open to teens graduating grades 9-12.
Vouchers are available worldwide excluding residents of USA, Canada, and Israel.
Vouchers are available to teens graduating grades 9-12 (or equivalent).